Happy Christmas! Rabbits class look so lovely in their Christmas outfits. Thank you from Mrs Key and myself, Ms Paterson for our cards and presents. We look forward to seeing you all in January .
18 December 2020
Christmas last day 2020
14 December 2020
Religious Education - The First Christmas
In Religious Education we have been learning about festivals that bring communities together. One of those that is widely celebrated at this time of year is Christmas. We would normally be taking a bigger role in the School Nativity play but this year we have learned about the First Christmas in class and the reasons we celebrate Christmas.
The children would often visit the local church too, where scenes of the Nativity would be displayed. We had a go at doing this in class. Here are our freeze frames of the important scenes from the First Christmas story.
18 November 2020
Making dips!
Today we made our own dips. We used our cutting skills and completed our DT project.
Everyone tried their own dip and decided if they liked them or not. We finished by evaluating our dips and deciding what we would add or take out if we made them again. Well done everyone!
17 November 2020
Forest School
Some of the class have been enjoying Forest School this half term. They are really enjoying the experiences provided and giving everything a go! Well done.
11 November 2020
Design and Technology
We have started our new Design Technology topic of evaluating, designing and making a healthy snack - a dip.
Today we learned about food hygiene preparation. We then found out about three safe cutting techniques:
The Bridge cut
The Fork Secure