31 October 2019

Visit from the firemen!

This afternoon we had a visit from the Norfolk Fire Service. They told us all about how they fight fires and assist the other emergency services. They also told us how we can stay safe. We got to look at their uniform, and Ms Paterson even got to try it on! Next, we looked at the thermal imaging camera which was very exciting.

Then, the really fun bit! We got to look at all of the equipment on the engine and even got to sit inside. Finally, we even had a go at squirting the hose. It was brilliant afternoon.

18 October 2019

May I introduce our School Council reps....

Sorting materials

The children really enjoyed talking about and sorting different materials in the classroom.

4 October 2019

Great Fire of London paintings

The children worked really hard to mix the colours to create a realistic fire backdrop. We talked about how we can use different brush stroke to create different effects. Stage two was to create the silhouette. I was amazed by the fantastic cutting and design ideas. Well done everybody!